I spent WAY too much time today working on this website. I tend to do this. Going down rabbit holes of things that interest me rather than working on the highest priority task πŸ˜….

Beautiful Jekyll

Anyway, I found the beautiful-jekyll Jekyll theme and was inspired to use it for this site.

It's so beautiful

After figuring out how to make it work both locally and on GitHub, I went through the documentation to configure things just right.

I noticed right before going to bed that the mobile layout for the site is not rendering as I expected. Need to look into this tomorrow.

Drawing Tablet

I have been wondering how to get the physical sketches I have of this project into this site. I considered just taking photos of everything, but I don’t think these would look very nice considering a lot of them are just tiny pencil sketches on random bits of paper.

My brother recently bought himself a relatively cheap Wacom drawing tablet which he seems happy with. I did some research on the One by Wacom drawing tablet and it looks like it will work well for what I want to do. My brother confirmed this is the one he has too! It was fun asking him about it, knowing he has no idea what my plans are for his birthday 😁.

So, I took the plunge and am now the proud owner of one of these:

One by Wacom


I did some very quick digging and I should be able to use Sketchpad for creating all of my sketches.